April - aka - "My CrAzzY Wife", needs a place to share her pictures, thoughts, scriptures and creative ideas. This is her blog for all who care.
"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of Him that bringeth good tidings; that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good; that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!"

We love the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Our family hopes to live beautifully like this verse of scripture!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spring time Sunshine!

We have been enjoying the sunshine! Here are some pictures!

Whole Wheat Bread Pictures

I took some pictures to show you how yummy this bread is, the recipie is on here a few months ago...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Moooo Moooo

Larbear loves our walks, we love to see the baby cows and as my dad says smell the "fresh air!"


n., pl., ren·dez·vous (-vūz').
1.A meeting at a prearranged time and place.
2.A prearranged meeting place,
3.A popular gathering place:

This was a mountain man rendezvous we found in Ogden this weekend. I had fun seeing everything and feeling like we went back in time. Larbear loved his whistle, Larry enjoyed his mountain man root beer and I enjoyed taking pictures and the fresh air. We had a great time.

North Star Quote from Pres. Hinckley

A friend posted this quote, it helped remind me of what is important... thank you. I am sharing it too, maybe it will help someone else, feel the spirit and know what I know that it is true!

We know not all that lies ahead of us. We live in a world of uncertainty. For some, there will be great accomplishment. For others, disappointment. For some, much of rejoicing and gladness, good health, and gracious living. For others, perhaps sickness and a measure of sorrow. We do not know. But one thing we do know. Like the Polar Star in the heavens, regardless of what the future holds, there stands the Redeemer of the world, the Son of God, certain and sure as the anchor of our immortal lives. He is the rock of our salvation, our strength, our comfort, the very focus of our faith.

None so great has ever walked the earth. None other has made a comparable sacrifice or granted a comparable blessing. He is the Savior and the Redeemer of the world. I believe in Him. I declare His divinity without equivocation or compromise. I love Him. I speak the name of Jesus Christ in reverence and wonder. He is our King, our Lord, our Master, the living Christ, who stands on the right hand of His Father. He lives! He lives, resplendent and wonderful, the living Son of the living God."
-Gordon B. Hinckley